tisdag 14 maj 2013

Swedish pedophile government with Judge Marianne Lundius Gernandt trying to stop corruptio articles about the Supreme Court's criminal activity - Sveriges pedofil-regering med justitieråd Marianne Lundius Gernandt försöker att stoppa Corruptio-artikel om Högsta domstolens brott

Mother and daughter in collaboration with Google and the Swedish pedophile government to stop corruptio articles

For several months the criminal Marianne Lundius Gernandt with help from her daughter Anna Gernandt (working at Google Sweden) to filter and remove corruptio articles which reveals serious crimes done by Marianne Lundius / Swedish Supreme Court. The criminal Marianne Lundius Gernandt who also is judge authorized that the police officer Gerd Pettersson in the town of Gränna can work as a juror at corrupted court in the town of Jönköping. District court manager Charlotte Brokelind is also involved in covering up policeman's illegal work as juror in the district court.
Under flera månader har brottslingen Marianne Lundius Gernandt med bl.a. hjälp av sin dotter Anna Gernandt (arbetar vid Google Sweden) att filtrerar, censurera och ta bort corruptio-artiklar vilka avslöjar grov brottslighet av Marianne Lundius/högsta domstolen. I all hemlighet har yrkesbrottslingen tillika justitierådet Marianne Lundius Gernandt godkänt att poliskommissarie Gerd Pettersson från Gränna kan arbeta som nämndeman vid Jönköpings korrupta tingsrätt. Tingsrättschefen Charlotte Brokelind är även hon involverad i att mörka polismannens illegala arbete som nämndeman i tingsrätten.

Fascist criminal Charlotte Brokelind is head manager of the corrupted court (Jönköpings tingsrätt), she let police officer Gerd Pettersson work as judge at the very same court Charlotte Brokelind is responsible for.

Here you see the criminal Gerd Pettersson from the town of Gränna.

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